dp's HTML demo page:       back to home
  • Character Set Table
  • Forms & Formats Demo
  • Internal Netscape Goodies
  • The first line, even before the first <HTML>, should be the doctype:
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

    Wow, lots of new stuff in html. Let's see, we've got font size control now, and color modifiers on the <font> tag, too! And there's tables and cgi and java and javascript and plugins, and... oh, well. forget it.
    At least I have one of these: [animated worker]

    An HTML validator from W3.org

    For HTML specs, see: 2.0, 3.2, 4.0, and W3.org's html home. Also html 2.0 tags.

    dfn format
    em format
    cite format
    code format
    kbd format
    samp format
    strong format
    var format
    a concession to the blink tag. 8-(
    need some tables here and over here
    1 2 3

    here's a map [colorbars] inline image with middle text, and a form:

    check box one the other
  • HTMLPrimer

    heading 1

    heading 2

    heading 3

    heading 4

    heading 5
    heading 6

    <p align=center>link to named anchor, with other text</p>

    &=&amp; <=&lt; special chars: " & < ö ñ È µ ® ¤ ¼ ° ©

    line break
    normal bold italic typewriter

    preformatted    text
    named anchor is here. Below, "horizontal rule" <hr width="75%">
      Ordered list
    1. one
    2. two
      1. sub-item
    definition list
    term one
    defn one
    blockquote format

    address format

    Internal Netscape Goodies!:

    about: the startup screen (with links)
    about:mozilla Mozilla shall smite the evil empire!
    about:authors internation-what?
    about:license Blah Blah Blah
    about:photo if'n your lucky
    about:blank how zen
    about:plugins info
    about:document more
    about:hype a sound
    about:jwz (previously magic url switched to a different breather icon, unix netscape 1.x)
    about:logo image
    about:javalogo more
    about:rsalogo more
    about:FeCoNtExT= what?
    these dont work as links: about:cache / about:image-cache / about:memory-cache / about:global

    Other pages with netscape goodies:

    more Internal Netscape Goodies: (netscape specific)

    about:ari about:atotic about:blythe about:chouck about:dmose about:ebina about:hagan about:jeff about:jg about:kipp about:marca about:mlm about:montulli about:mtoy about:paquin about:robm about:sharoni about:sk about:timm montulli:

    Character Table:
     30:        !  "  #  $  %  &  '  
     40: (  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /  0  1  
     50: 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  :  ;  
     60: <  =  >  ?  @  A  B  C  D  E  
     70: F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  
     80: P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  
     90: Z  [  \  ]  ^  _  `  a  b  c  
    100: d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  
    110: n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  
    120: x  y  z  {  |  }  ~    €    
    130: ‚  ƒ  „  …  †  ‡  ˆ  ‰  Š  ‹  
    140: Œ    Ž      ‘  ’  “  ”  •  
    150: –  —  ˜  ™  š  ›  œ    ž  Ÿ  
    160:    ¡  ¢  £  ¤  ¥  ¦  §  ¨  ©  
    170: ª  «  ¬  ­  ®  ¯  °  ±  ²  ³  
    180: ´  µ  ¶  ·  ¸  ¹  º  »  ¼  ½  
    190: ¾  ¿  À  Á  Â  Ã  Ä  Å  Æ  Ç  
    200: È  É  Ê  Ë  Ì  Í  Î  Ï  Ð  Ñ  
    210: Ò  Ó  Ô  Õ  Ö  ×  Ø  Ù  Ú  Û  
    220: Ü  Ý  Þ  ß  à  á  â  ã  ä  å  
    230: æ  ç  è  é  ê  ë  ì  í  î  ï  
    240: ð  ñ  ò  ó  ô  õ  ö  ÷  ø  ù  
    250: ú  û  ü  ý  þ  ÿ  
    plaintext never stops</plaintext>